Name & age
Nikki Reist, 27
Where are you from?
Hershey, PA
What is your day job?
Ecommerce Analyst
What classes are you currently taking and when did you start?
I started taking Aerial Silks classes around October 2016
What do you like about Aerial? Has it affected/change your life? If so, how so?
I love aerial silks classes because its a different form of fitness compared to your traditional sports. Its all your own body weight your working with. I also enjoy coming to the studio and seeing the girls every week that take classes too. They are great people.
What is your current favorite move/trick?
Any drop usually, but right now 360 drop.
What is your current nemesis trick?
What is your favorite kind of music to dance to? Or what song/genre are you really into lately?
I will always be a fan of hip hop. But I would love to perform to something contemporary.
Do you have a guilty pleasure?
Chocolate and Peanut butter??!
What is the coolest thing you have done in your life? Or coolest place that you traveled to?
Coolest place: Hawaii- Oahu/ Grand Canyon. Coolest thing I have done in my life: Hiked “Dead Mans Catwalk” in Hawaii.
Favorite food?
Is there any place in Lancaster that you recommend going to? Restaurants, bars, shops, tourist attractions, shows, etc.?
First Fridays in Lancaster, Tellus 360, Food Truck Park, Market, The Dispensing Company on Mondays for $1 Tacos.
Do you have any advice for newbies just starting out?
Just do it, fear is not an option.