Spinster Spotlight: Jenn D

Jenn D at Studio Spin RecitalName & age
Jenn Dixon, and I am 39.

Where are you from?
Ephrata, PA

What is your day job?
I am an IT technician for the Recorder of Deeds office for the County of Lancaster.  Basically, I keep all of our computers running and take care of customers having trouble on our website and such.

When did you start hooping?
I started hooping in October 2013. One day, I asked my friends on Facebook to recommend a new hobby, specially one to get my off the couch. My friend Amanda in Utah suggested hooping. I researched it online, met a teacher, and things fell into place. It was meant to be.

What do you like about hooping? How has it affected or changed your life?
Hooping has opened up a whole new world for me.  I’ve made new friends, and found a great community around the world.  Mostly, hooping has taught me I can achieve just about anything if I work with and practice.  It gave me a renewed sense of dedication.

What is your current favorite move?
Right now, I’m all about palm spins. I love spinning the hoop on my palm in front of me, above, and and around my hand as I turn. It looks cool!

What is your current nemesis trick?
Hmmm,  I would have to say trying to waist hoop and leg hoop at the same time. Each type of hooping is a completely different motion and requires a lot of concentration. I can sustain this double move for a few seconds. It’ll get better with time.

What is your favorite kind of music to dance to?
Oh, boy.  Right now, I’m listening to Die Antwoord, Emilie Autumn, and Amanda Palmer.  All three are great to dance to and are very different.  Usually, I love to hoop to electronic music with a great beat and lots of bass.

Do you have a guilty pleasure? 
I love to sing at the top of my lungs to ABBA.

What is the coolest thing you have done in your life or coolest place that you traveled to?
I lived in Cologne, Germany for a semester in college. I’ve gone all over Europe, too. As for the coolest thing I’ve ever done, that’s tough. Let’s go with being at the right in the front for a KMFDM concert in Berlin, Germany. I got to head bang with the bassist at the time, Tim Skold. I would say that’s pretty cool.

Favorite food?
Indian food! I actually make a mean curry myself.

Is there any place in Lancaster that you recommend going to?
Go visit my friends at BUZZ on East King Street. They are just a lunchbox window with great drinks.  Tell them I sent you. They are right beside Aussie and the Fox, which rocks, too. Next, head up the street past the Marriott to Barbaret, which has some of the best, if not the best, French pastries in the country! Get an iced tea and a croissant. It’s about $4.50.

Do you have any advice for newbies just starting out with hoop?
If you love what you are doing, you can achieve anything. Expect failure and keep trying. You will reap the benefits of your hard work.

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Intro to Pole Intensive



Curated for the absolute beginner, this thoughtful 2 1/2 hour intensive is so much more than an introduction to pole dance. It’s also an introduction to our studio culture, values and community of dancers. We approach pole dance as a means to discover your authentic self and to enjoy and appreciate your body. We want you to feel stronger, confident and daring not just physically, but emotionally and mentally as well.

Get ready to not only learn some exciting pole moves, but also learn something new about yourself!

Boudoir Photoshoot

Saturday, April 20 10am-3pm

Boudoir Minis with Emila Avila

Just a heads up...


We will be closed for holiday break from December 24 through January 3. During this time, we will not be available by phone or email. We will return email inquiries and/or phone calls on January 4.