Spinster Spotlight: Pam V.

Name & age.
Pam Vettleson, 58.

Where are you from?
Lancaster, PA

When did you start pole?
I started pole dancing when I was 52 and my daughter gave me two private pole lessons with her friend, Rachel, for Mother’s Day.

What do you like about pole? Has it affected/change your life? If so, how so?
I like it because I feel strong and unique. Few people, especially my age, can do this.

What is your current favorite move/trick?
My favorite trick is the Elbow Grip Ayesha.

What is your current nemesis trick?
My nemesis trick is the Twisted Grip Handspring into the Ayesha. Sometimes I get it but most times I don’t.

What is your favorite kind of music to dance to? Or what song/genre are you really into lately?
My favorite music to dance to is something slower. I like songs of any genre.

Do you have a guilty pleasure?
My guilty pleasure is a good, craft IPA–but I really don’t feel guilty about that.

What is the coolest thing you have done in your life?
The coolest thing I’ve ever done is hop on a train with two suitcases, a back pack, and an overnight bag to move to Washington state by myself. I was only 19 and wanted to move out west.

Favorite food?
My favorite food is my Aunt Judy’s baklava.

Is there any place in Lancaster that you recommend going to? Restaurants, bars, shops, tourist attractions, shows, etc.?
I recommend eating at Issei Noodle House on Queen St.  My favorite drive is the loop from the covered bridge on Hunsicker Road, through the farms, and around to Pinetown covered bridge.

Do you have any advice for newbies just starting out in class?
My advice for newbies is be patient and persistent. I remember seeing Rachel do an Elbow Grip Ayesha at my first lesson and thinking, “I’m never going to do that”.  Six years later it is my favorite move.

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Intro to Pole Intensive



Curated for the absolute beginner, this thoughtful 2 1/2 hour intensive is so much more than an introduction to pole dance. It’s also an introduction to our studio culture, values and community of dancers. We approach pole dance as a means to discover your authentic self and to enjoy and appreciate your body. We want you to feel stronger, confident and daring not just physically, but emotionally and mentally as well.

Get ready to not only learn some exciting pole moves, but also learn something new about yourself!

Boudoir Photoshoot

Saturday, April 20 10am-3pm

Boudoir Minis with Emila Avila

Just a heads up...


We will be closed for holiday break from December 24 through January 3. During this time, we will not be available by phone or email. We will return email inquiries and/or phone calls on January 4.