5 Ways to Rock Your New Year!

You are many things. You are a woman. A daughter, a mother, a sister, an aunt, a best friend, a teacher, a nurse, a designer, a doctor, a dancer, a scientist, an artist, an entrepreneur, a mover and a shaker. Life can get pretty hectic, leaving you no time…for YOU. So declare your new years resolution loud and proud: I am going to rock 2016 by creating more me time! Here are a few of our favorite tips for owning your new years resolution.





You are more powerful than you realize. Many of you go through life without ever utilizing your full potential. Why? Because you never allow enough time for ‘me’. Ask yourself, “What would I like to learn?”, “What do I want to explore?” Pole dance classes provide a magical outlet for discovering that hidden strength. As a pole dance instructor, I thoroughly enjoy watching my clients discover their strength through pole. But what I notice more, is that physical strength transcends into self-confidence, which is a very powerful strength to possess. Self-confidence is key to owning what you want!





There is an entire world filled with possibility but it is often missed out because you don’t allow yourself to step outside of your limits, better known as the comfort box. That comfort box was manifested by you, it can certainly be diminished by you. Utilizing your strengths, explore past your limits. You will be amazed at this newly discovered, colorful world. Trying something new every day for a month is a fantastic way to experience new possibilities… like trying an aerial silks class for the first time. Feel what it’s like to really soar out of that comfort box!





Nothing feels better than finding yourself in a state of effortless flow, like dancing fluently to your favorite song without care. Finding your flow, is like finding out who you are. Get rid of things that aren’t working. And focus on what works for you. Surround yourself with positive things that inspire you–people, music, art, a great line from a book. It may take some time to find this rhythm, but be sure to enjoy the journey.





We, as women, don’t give ourselves enough credit! It’s time to congratulate yourself on your accomplishments no matter how big or small. Reward yourself for these small victories with a new pair of shoes or a dance class that you’ve been dying to take. It’s okay…really! A dance class can be that moment of freedom you need in your busy life and a wonderful investment in yourself.





I’m sure you’ve heard it a million times. But life really is too short to be taken seriously. Be silly. Laugh at yourself. After all, laughing adds years on to your life. A night out with the girls can be so refreshing and the perfect pick-me-up to a boring week. Stay connected with those who bring joy to your life. They play a vital role in your mental health. If you’re looking for a fun activity to do with your besties, a Pole Party is a surefire way to bond with the girls!



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Intro to Pole Intensive



Curated for the absolute beginner, this thoughtful 2 1/2 hour intensive is so much more than an introduction to pole dance. It’s also an introduction to our studio culture, values and community of dancers. We approach pole dance as a means to discover your authentic self and to enjoy and appreciate your body. We want you to feel stronger, confident and daring not just physically, but emotionally and mentally as well.

Get ready to not only learn some exciting pole moves, but also learn something new about yourself!

Boudoir Photoshoot

Saturday, April 20 10am-3pm

Boudoir Minis with Emila Avila

Just a heads up...


We will be closed for holiday break from December 24 through January 3. During this time, we will not be available by phone or email. We will return email inquiries and/or phone calls on January 4.